2019 Free Browsing Cheat For All Network (100% Working)

This post covers 2019 free browsing cheat for all network, there are few ways to enjoy free internet in Nigeria and other countries so you will learn about the currently working free browsing cheat for mtn, airtel, glo, 9mobile

Whether you are searching for mtn free browsing cheat, airtel cheat, glo cheat or even 9mobile cheat this post is for you.

The word “free browsing cheat” is not a new term in Nigeria especially among the teaming youths and students who finds it difficult to subscribe for normal data plan mostly because of lack of adequate fund and poverty.

So what is free browsing all about?

Well, free browsing simply means getting free access to the internet. Sometimes, it’s unlimited browsing but most times it’s limited and even cost a token.

Why do people search for cheats?

Mobile internet users in Nigeria are crazy about cheats because it helps them get connected to the web without paying a dime. For example, students can successfully carry out researches, projects and follow the latest trends online without paying for any data subscription.

But wait a minute, how does all these free browsing cheats work?

It’s a nice question and I will answer it in a simple and layman’s terms. Most times, it works with the help of virtual private networks (VPN). These VPN can be tweaked with customized servers and proxies to unlock network restrictions. Once these restrictions are unlocked, users gets free access to the internet.

Toward the end of the year 2018, so many cheats were discovered with http injector,  kpn tunnel and few other tunneling apps. This involves creating and importing of customized config file and some of those cheats are still working today in 2019.

Requirements For Enjoying 2019 Free Browsing Cheat For All Network

Your Android Phone

You may also need a PC



An Airtel SIM

9Mobile SIM

3G or 4G network

These are the basic things you need to get started.

So what are the currently working cheats this  2019 ?

As far as the year 2019 is concerned, below are the currently working cheats for  all networks.

GLO Cheats 2019

currently we don't have any working glo free browsing cheat 2019 , we promise to update this post once we discover any cheat.

Airtel Free Browsing Cheats 2019

It’s simple. Just dial the following Airtel Free Data Bonus Codes below.

*141*13*200# gives 200MB Airtel free data.
*141*13*100# gives 100MB Airtel free data.
*141*13*50# gives 50MB free Airtel data.
*141*13*1# gives 1MB free Airtel data.
You only need to dial those codes to find out which one works out for you.

How to check Airtel Free Data Bonus Balance
To Check Airtel Free Data Bonus Balance, Simply dial *140# or *223#.

That's it, go ahead and enjoy and don't forget to stay glued as i bring more working airtel free browsing cheat.

For more info on airtel free Browsing Cheat follow HERE

MTN Free Browsing Cheats 2019

Download Stark VPN app first HERE

Open the app

1.  Open that place i  cycled (see screenshot)

Select "custom" (See screenshot below)

3.After that,  open  that place i cycled (see screenshot)

A new page will open,  click on "select connection mode" And select HTTP

4. Open "server port" Put 8080

5. Open "host header" And put  mtn1app.mtn.com

6. Don't tick reverse proxy..  Leave it like that.

7. Open proxy host and put

8.  Open proxy port and put 8080

After doing all this,  go back to homepage and tap connect.  It will connect very fast.

Make sure you follow the procedures very well without any mistake.

For more Info,  on mtn free browsing cheat 2019  follow hereHERE

9Mobile Free Browsing Cheats 2019

Step 1 : Head straight to Google playstore and download 3 or 4 applications mention below
1. What's VPN - Virtual Private Network, here or

2. Inf VPN ( not compulsory if u already have what's VPN)

3. ADM (Android Download Manager or Advance Download Manager +) Download  here

4. UCmini browser - Download  here

Step 2: Open any of the virtual private network app  you have downloaded and tap on the "Start or Connect " button. 
Step 3: Lunch the  UCmini browser to brows (if it doesn't work, use data to get your download link expecially from sites like o2tvseries.com, tvshows4mobile.com and mp4mania.xyz) once the VPN is connected.

For faster download speed, copy the download link of the file  you want to download and pate it on the ADM (click on the plus(+) icon, then paste the copied url section then click on start your download will start immediately).

That's all !

For more info on 9mobile free browsing cheat 2019  follow HERE


The above links leads you to the pages on this blog for 2019 free browsing cheat for all network

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