
Showing posts with the label Wapkiz tips

wapkiz welcome logo code (advanced)

I have made wapkiz welcome logo available here on my blog for everybody. This welcome logo is very good and is a must use for everyone, because it will keep your readers engaged and also make your site look matured. I make out time to prepare this beautiful and awesome wapkiz welcome logo. I know you can't wait to have, just copy it on the box below and please don't forget to change my blog name on the code WELCOME TO HUBFACTORY Please don't forget to comment and share us. And stay tuned as we bring all the wapkiz codes to you.

how to create a wapkiz site in 5 minutes ( for free)

wapkiz is one of the popular free platform to create a beautiful and awesome website with. So if you are looking for an easy and reliable platform to start with, I recommend wapkiz . Let's start immediately, Step 1, head to  , click on register as shown in the image below Step 2, fill out the form as shown in the screenshot below and agree to third terms and conditions then click CREATE NOW. Step 3, Now you have successfully created an account with them but you haven't created a website yet. Click on ADD NEW 5 SITE LEFT as shown in the screenshot below Step 4, in the create domain box, write a name you prefer to give your site, make sure it is not yet taken by another person. Select a subdomain e.g, choose category then click CREATE NOW as shown in the screenshot below Step 5, A new web page will automatically open, it will be familiar with the one on the screenshot below. If you see this kind page know that you...

wapkiz time and date code (100% working)

wapkiz time and date code   is now available for pick up everywhere, but count your self lucky because you are in the right post to get the original one. Are you aware that adding timr and date to your wapkiz site will make your readers engaged? You can as well expand your site reach with this dictionary tools for wapkiz. Like i said before, count your self lucky because you are in the right post. In this post am definetly going to teach you how you can add time and date to your wapkiz site to enable your readers know the current time on your site. wapkiz time and date code To add this time and date to your wapkiz site, I recommend you create a new page and name the page e.g "time and date" then copy below code and add via HTML/WML section on the page you have just created. Note- you are free to add the dictionary on your homepage.  ::date:: Having added this great code by Okejiri, you have successfully added time and date to your wapkiz site ...